Undergraduate Co-Op

Co-op is required of all undergraduate programs at Drexel University and enables students to engage in hands-on experience prior to graduation. Generally, public health students are on co-op for a six-month period either on a full-time or part-time basis during the spring and summer of the third year. Both the Public Health BS and the Global Public Health BA operate under the one co-op option. Co-op is implemented by Steinbright Career Development Center (SCDC). Learn more about Co-op at the Steinbright Co-op Center.

What is a co-op?

Co-ops and internships can provide similar experiences. However, they differ in some significant ways. According to SCDC, internships typically last 2-3 months, tend to be unpaid experiences, may or may not be related to your major, and usually are not a required part of the academic program. On the other hand, Drexel co-ops are paid positions in which students are employed for a 3- or 6-month period, complete major-related work, and are part of a student’s official transcript.

What kind of experience can I have?

Students can choose between a national co-op, research co-op, or entrepreneurship co-op.

  • A national co-op allows students to engage in employment outside of the Philadelphia area.
  • A research co-op prepares students for a career in research or for graduate school, or can allow students to simply learn more about their field. In addition, students have the option of working in an academic, industry or non-profit setting, depending on their area of interest.
  • An entrepreneurship co-op provides students with the opportunity to start or grow their own business with the Charles D. Close School of Entrepreneurship.

How can I learn more about Dornsife co-op experiences?

Explore this handout for median salary, a list of common employers, and a sample timeline.

When are my deadlines?

View the Undergraduate Co-op Calendar posted by SCDC for important dates in each co-op cycle.